Automation Setup

Red's Automation Setup activates Red's News and Events widgets on the "red" page layout.

News Widget
Red's News Widget automatically displays your blog's 6 latest posts on the "red" page layout. To activate, simply copy and paste the URL of your blog into the input box below (e.g.,​​
Events Widget
Red's Events Widget automatically displays your blog category's 5 latest post on the "red" page layout in a calendar format. To activate, simply copy and paste the URL of a blog category into the input box below (e.g.,​
Navigation Icons
To change the navigation icons, simply go to, find your icon, grab its number (e.g., f333), and add it to the corresponding menu item below.

Note: If the new icon doesn't register on the published site, double click the number you added below and publish again.

Note: You can close this box under "Theme>Theme Options>Automation [Editor Only]".

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